Webinar Notes: Cracking the Digital Marketing Code

Discovered some great digital marketing tips from Sindeo and Katie Lance after watching their informative “Cracking the Digital Marketing Code” webinar. Posted some key takeaways from the webinar below.

Presenters: Katie Lance and Ori Zohar

4 Key Digital Marketing Rules

  1. KYC – Know Your Customer

  • Traditional shopping process follows this pattern: need -> see it on shelf (1st moment of truth) -> experience it at home (2nd moment of truth)
  • New shopping process with the popularity of technology follows this pattern: need product -> go online, ask friends, walk demo videos, read reviews (known as ZERO MOMENT OF TRUTH) ->see it on shelf (already informed consumer) -> experience it at home (but now customers post that experience online for others)
  • Salespeople or company employees aren’t the first people customers are talking to; they already have interacted with the product online and other ways before company employees even interact with them
  • Companies digital footprints are expanding: social, mobile, search, local, video, online, email
  • Companies don’t need to target everyone because in actuality you will target NO ONE.
  • Getting to know my audience
    • Who is your audience? Buyer type, life stage, generation, what is their home buying journey
    • Once you know who they are you, you start speaking to a specific person in your marketing rather than a faceless group and not really relating with anyone
    • Google analytics, Facebook, [Pew Internet, eMarketer, comScore] <- free marketing reports
  1. Prioritize Your Resources

    1. Online and Mobile are top interfaces where people spend time and they also have low cost points of entry (TV is still the highest in usage but it is really expense to advertise on)
    2. Average Time per day Spent with online activities
    3. Mobile users are taking over the traditional desktop users
    4. Time spent with Media 
  2. Maximize Your Time & Money

    • To be successful online you need:
      • a mobile friendly web site
      • a content plan
      • to reach out regularly
      • to amplify message on social media
      • to go the extra mile with paid advertising
    • Best time to send email marketing is on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 6-8 AM
  3. Optimize, Optimize, Optimize

    • Good email headlines follow this acronym of CURVE:
      • creates Curiosity
      • implying Urgency
      • having Relevancy
      • adding Value to the customer
      • invoking Emotion

If you would like to watch the webinar yourself, the link is below…

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